Top Reasons We Are Excited About ‘No Man’s Sky’

Andrew Hawkins

No Man’s Sky is the hugely anticipated exploration game from Hello Games. Fans of science fiction adventure games are chomping at the bit for this one. The hype train is in full steam ahead mode right now as gamers are flocking to physical and digital stores in anticipation of the upcoming release next month. The game looks to be a revolutionary interactive experience and here are a few of the reasons why we are very excited to play No Man’s Sky.

Open Universe Exploration

Just the thought of being able to jump in your spaceship and fly off to unknown worlds is enough to get any science fiction fan excited. The potential here for hours of exploring and adventuring is endless, and the idea behind the gameplay feeds into the core of what makes traveling beyond the stars so exciting. The game is sure to keep players on the edge of their seats as they fly around the universe. This is manna from heaven for Star Wars and Star Trek fans who have a sense of adventure and have always dreamed of exploring the vast reaches of space.

Dinosaurs and Spaceships

Every aspect of the game has been claimed to be procedurally generated. This is a very intriguing claim from Hello Games. Having zero narrative and letting the players’ actions build the world around them is nothing new, but for this kind of game to have nothing guiding players other than opportunity is a bold move. I can’t wait to go treasure hunting on various planets while looking for new species and giant creatures. It’s like the developers thought about what it was like being a kid playing with Jurassic Park and Battlestar Galactica toys. Every big kid with a controller is going to immediately lock in on this.

Interplanetary Dogfights

The look of No Man’s Sky’s space battle gameplay is fun and familiar. Pirate ships, transport barges, military vessels and more occupy the worlds and space around planets. You can start fights, engage in battles that are already occurring, take a side with whoever is winning and collect the resources and currency that shows up after another player blows up. The multiplayer aspect of the game is huge and so vast in fact that you may never run into the same person twice, let alone find a friend in this huge universe. There’s still a chance to make enemies, however, so pick battles wisely.

Potential for VR Interface

According to lead developer and studio head Sean Murray, No Man’s Sky will have the capability of being playable on PlayStation VR. Sony Morpheus is a highly anticipated step in the right direction for virtual reality gaming, and No Man’s Sky is primed to be one of the best games for the format. I have spent countless hours playing games for the Nintendo Virtual Boy that never offered a virtual reality experience, but instead had a multilayered 3D visual effect that looked neat in small doses. No Man’s Sky jumps from first-person to over the shoulder perspectives depending on what you’re doing in the game. VR will definitely be a positive addition to the experience.

Graphics and Environment

The worlds in this game are colorful and full of interesting and intriguing life. Every bit of footage that has been released so far features vast planets and glimpses at what each type of environment has to offer. Biology and the ecosystem of fictional planets are aspects of the game that clearly show just how dedicated to creating a virtual universe the team at Hello Games were while making this. An interesting point about each planet that you explore is how every biome is similar, but some atmospheres may be uninhabitable or dangerous. The mystery and discovery of just what lies on each planet’s surface are going to be a unique and fun element for sure.

Pre-Order Bonus Features


Many outlets are promoting No Man’s Sky right now with in-game bonuses. Some stores are offering add-ons to upgrade your spacecraft while also giving away a bit of the game’s currency as an incentive for buying from their storefront. The game is available for preorder right now from stores that include the PlayStation Network, any GameStop location, the official PlayStation Store online and Amazon. Look around and you can find ways to start off with the Alpha Vector ship, the Rezosu Z65 gun, limited edition extras and more. Most of the bonuses can be collected in the game, but to make the deal sweeter there are plenty of options out there.

Gamers have been waiting a long time since this title was debuted at E3 2014. Some fans have lost interest in the game in the last couple of years due to the wait. Finally, we are winding down the days until the game gets released, and the excitement of what No Man’s Sky has to offer is getting a lot of players very interested again. This game could well be one of the best of the year and easily a top indie title for the PS4 catalog. We can’t wait to play it, and June 21st can’t come fast enough.

Andrew Hawkins
Andrew Hawkins is a producer and publicist known for Mental Health and Horror: A Documentary, Jan Svankmajer’s INSECT, and Athanor: The Alchemical Furnace. Follow him on Twitter @mrandrewhawkins