The Weirdest Creatures in ‘No Man’s Sky’ So Far


Greetings and salutations, No Man’s Sky explorers! How has your time been roaming this week’s most popular galaxy? We’ve been witnessing some pretty neat things ourselves here in the office. My colleague has refused to leave his first planet and has focused his efforts on becoming a gold mining magnate. I’ve taken a more sane approach — I’m trying to stick to my “hometown” solar system and try to identify species and learn languages. While our escapades clearly differ, both of us want to find the weirdest creatures in No Man’s Sky.

In my short playtime, I’ve come across some pretty cute and cuddly creatures. However, the one that stands out to me the most has to be this nightmare inducing giant-tentacle-brain that looks like a roaming cast-member from Mars Attacks!

At the time, I thought this was a pretty good find until I went on twitter and saw other insane plants and animals. Let’s take a look below to see some of the best so far!

This might be the least alien looking creature on the list, but I think it’s still pretty dang cool. It looks like a zebra/boar hybrid with some sort of gold bubble growth on its back. Besides the fact that I wish these were real, the accompanying tweet is a reminder that we see so often at the zoo, “Don’t feed the animals!”

Perhaps not the most unique creature, its behavior and interaction with the environment seems curious to say the least. The name given to these little stubby creatures seems appropriate.

A 3-for-1 in this player’s share. My personal favorite has to be the very happy turkey-deer. Would venison/turkey meat actually be delicious?

I no longer hold the title to the most terrifying creature found in No Man’s Sky. The all-black ‘Alien’ movie relative looks like it can cover some serious ground and even pluck me from the skies if it wanted. This is a certified “nope”.

I don’t even know what is happening with this… this… thing? Its hind legs are clearly bird-like. The front legs make a bit more sense as they look like elephantine in nature. But then I look at its head and it seems to be using my dads atlas globe from his study as its face. I can’t even begin to think of a name for this creature. I don’t envy its discoverer.

I had a sensible chuckle when I saw this. This user decided that this rock-like plant would make the perfect homage to the professional wrestler, Dwayne Johnson. There are a lot of plants out there that are worth a share. Spread the love to both flora and fauna!

Last but not least we have this gargantuan beast. This guy looks like the teddy bear you’ve neglected for years and now its seeking revenge by making sure you never leave the planet alive. I haven’t seen a lot of two-legged creatures, especially nothing of this size. It’s cool on many levels.

What are some of the coolest creatures you’ve found? Tweet us @getfandom to share some of your favorites and we’ll retweet you!