5 TV Dramas to Binge on Your Drama-Free Staycation

Evan Killham
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Summer is blazing right along, and it’s the time of year a lot of people decide to get away. But sometimes that’s a lot of work. It’s easier, cheaper, and more comfortable in most cases just to stay home and avoid all the nonsense that goes with any vacation.

Check out the video above for five binge-worthy series you can watch on NOW TV that will bring the drama without actually causing any of it in your life.

Watch all of these high-profile drama series and more on demand now on NOW TV.

Evan Killham
Evan is a high-powered supernerd who is sprinkled across the internet like salt. His contributions have appeared at Screen Rant, Cult of Mac, and GamesBeat. When he isn't writing, he plans projects he won't have time to make and cultivates an affinity for terrible horror films.