Seven Great Moments From ‘Rick and Morty’ Season 2

Andrew Hawkins

Rick and Morty: The Complete Second Season is about to be released on Blu-ray and digital HD. In Season 2, the crazy science fiction adventure that is Rick and Morty met and exceeded every expectation laid out in the first season. Each episode contained a great storyline and plenty of jokes and gags that have come to define the show’s brand of intelligent and jilted humor.

Episodes like A Rickle in Time, Mortynight Run, Total Rickall, Get Schwifty and Big Trouble In Little Sanchez were just a few of the season’s standout episodes. Even the overarching storyline that found Rick in his most perilous situation yet contained fantastic adventures and storylines that parody some of the best genre films ever made. Here are seven moments from Season 2 that are all standout examples of just how good Rick and Morty truly is.

Tiny Rick

Tiny Rick is the man. When Rick decides to transfer his consciousness into a younger version of himself, he begins to show signs of extreme inner distress. Tiny Rick is the coolest kid in school, but Summer and Morty soon realize that Rick’s mind is rejecting his new teenage body. Big Trouble in Little Sanchez basically plays off the idea of what hijinks Rick would get into if he went back to school, just with a morbid and disturbing twist ending.

Get Schwifty

The lyrics of Get Schwifty are hilariously crude, and the tune is oddly catchy and infectious as hell. One of the funniest moments of the show so far, the performance that Rick and Morty pull off is epic and just about as silly and absurd as anything else from the series. Saving the world by winning an intergalactic talent show is ridiculous, but if any song is going to save humanity, Get Schwifty is it.

The Roy Game

Blips and Chitz is the sickest arcade in the galaxy. Mortynight Run has a lot of great character moments throughout the episode, but the Roy: A Life Well Lived virtual reality sequence is shockingly good. Rick has Morty play the Roy game, and we are shown a dramatic story of a man who leads a simple and average life. The abrupt realization that Morty has been in a video game is jarring, and Rick’s trash talking makes the whole ordeal seem like it’s no big deal at all.

Goodbye Moonmen

Another great bit in Mortynight Run is the song that the gaseous entity know as Fart sings to Morty. The sequence in the episode plays out like a psychedelic music video featuring 70s style animation and wild visuals. The lyrics of Goodbye Moonmen are absurd, and the chorus is very catchy. Casting Jemaine Clement as a deadly interstellar fart cloud was an absolute stroke of genius.

Get Your Sh*t Together

The monolog Morty unleashes on Summer in Big Trouble In Little Sanchez has become one of the most quoted and paraphrased lines of dialogue from the whole show. Morty is relentless in telling Summer off when she tries to make him see that Tiny Rick is a danger to himself. The whole bit has even been printed on countless merchandise items like shirts, posters and accessories.

Plumbus Infomercial

One of the grossest and most bizarre creations of the Rick and Morty universe is the plumbus. The ‘How They Do It’ infomercial that shows the creation process behind the manufacturing of plumbuses is weird and unsettling. The joke is that everyone has one, but no one knows its purpose and that would be fine if it didn’t look like an anatomical perversion. The plumbus is gross, funny and just plain wrong.


Total Rickall is a fantastic episode and one of the best of Season 2. The characters that show up here are creative and insanely random, and aside from Reverse Giraffe voiced by genre great Keith David, Summer’s magical ballerina lamb is arguably the most absurd. When Beth and Sleepy Gary bust in on Summer’s Never Past Bedtime Land hallucination, it’s a ridiculous and hilarious comedy highlight.

There are way too many excellent moments and bits to list from Rick and Morty Season 2, and the new Blu-ray release will no doubt have plenty of great extras featuring even more hilarity. Fans of the show are going to have a field day with the deleted animatic sketches and the behind the scenes footage. Hopefully Season 3 will be air soon so we can see what’s in store for Rick and Morty.

Andrew Hawkins
Andrew Hawkins is a producer and publicist known for Mental Health and Horror: A Documentary, Jan Svankmajer’s INSECT, and Athanor: The Alchemical Furnace. Follow him on Twitter @mrandrewhawkins