What to Read in DC Rebirth This Week: February 1, 2017

Comics DC
Comics DC

This week was kind of limited when it came to game-changing story arcs in DC Rebirth. However, fans will see some terrific character-driven stories between Cyborg #9 and The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #2. Also, we get another look at the very mysterious Mr.Oz as he continues on his path towards his unknown endgame.

Batman #16

Tom King’s opening story arc I Am Gotham was a memorable one. To see its repercussions slip into the beginning of the I Am Bane arc bodes very well for the foreseeable future. Batman‘s ‘fear’ of Bane is very real. The Caped Crusader feels even more protective of his Robin’s than ever before because of what happened to Tim Drake. Catwoman‘s appearance only serves to re-energize the threat that Bane poses.

Batman‘s decides to isolate himself, which is a solid choice given that he humiliated Bane in their last meeting a few issues ago. It also made the conflict more personal. Bane has been kind of discounted as a villain for the past few years, so seeing him rise to this level is heartening and worth a read for sure.

Cyborg #9

Cyborg‘s rogues have been one of the weakest developments of DC Rebirth to date. In this issue, all of that changes. Anomaly has emotional ties to Silas and Victor Stone and gives the book the much-needed character depth that fans have so desperately craved. Forced to team up with Exxy Clark, Cyborg tries to slow down Anomaly’s master plan and understand exactly why the villain is so motivated to destroy his life.

Exxy Clark has seamlessly become a surprise sidekick for Cyborg. His role in this story arc has now grown to the point where it is clear that the character has staying power. And if that isn’t enough, Anomaly’s backstory perfectly intertwines with that of Cyborg and brings true emotion to this story arc from John Semper Jr. and Paul Pelletier.

The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #2

The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #2 a must read issue this week. It’s a surprisingly strong story mixed with a character that few people know about. After catapulting himself to 1994, Nathaniel Adam has finally gotten rid of his powers. He can once again live his life in a time before superheroes and the chaos of the modern era.

The time warp of the issue is a lot of fun because we get a glimpse of pre-superhero DC Universe. And that has some Rebirth ramifications considering the pre-Flashpoint universe has featured superheroes since the 1920’s. The side story of Adam finding true love while figuring out exactly what happened to him will pay off in a big way after the cliffhanger of this issue.

Green Lanterns #16

Scarecrow or Sinestro Corps? That’s the question this Batman-themed issue of Green Lanterns poses as citizens of Gotham seem to be overcome with fear. The interactions between Simon Baz and Bruce Wayne are a lot of fun and make the book into more of a mystery novel as they process a crime scene. Baz‘s stubbornness balances well with Jessica Cruz‘s inherent anxiety as she tries to calm her bull-headed partner down.

What is causing Gotham’s citizens to go haywire? The eventual reveal could go one of many ways, lending potential variety and entertainment in the issues to come. Also, Batman‘s inclusion in this arc legitimizes the Lantern-duo. That’s something that this book has truly needed since its inception.

Superman #16

All roads to Rebirth go through Superman and the mysterious Mr. Oz.

Superman, the anomaly of Rebirth, executes his plan to rescue the multiverse Supermen beautifully. The character work on the Justice League Incarnate also shines through in the conclusion of the Multiplicity story arc. Writers Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason have done it again.

In fact, seeing the lengths in which the JLI is willing to go to protect the multiverse makes it clear that they will have a lot to do in any major multiverse arc moving forward. But most of all, this issue adds to the mystery of what Mr. Oz is up to. It also seems to feed into the popular fan theory that he is in fact Ozymandias from Watchmen.