‘Preacher’ Season Finale Recap and Review: “Call and Response”

Drew Dietsch

For a full recap of the episode, visit the Preacher Wiki here. This article is a review of the episode in which specific details and events are discussed. SPOILERS may occur, so read at your own risk.

Last week set up all of Preacher‘s pieces in such a wonderful way that the season finale was going to be tough to mess up. Well, it’s clear that Preacher did anything but mess up as far as the last episode of season one is concerned. “Call and Response” was an explosive (literally) and gleefully satisfying end to a series that will hopefully be gracing our television screens for the next few years.

A lot of this article is going to be located in the “Best Moments” section because WOW. Preacher proved it knew what it was doing and executed that plan with maniacal precision. It also showed just how insane the show is willing to go. Nothing is sacred on Preacher, and that’s exactly how it should be.

If nothing else, “Call and Response” has put the show exactly where fans of the comic have wanted it. The ending is a promise that things are headed towards familiar territory. Truth be told, we hope it’s not too familiar. Preacher‘s decision to stray from its source material has led to a lot of good changes. Naturally, there should be some iconic elements from the comics present in the following seasons, but the unpredictable nature of the show – even for fans – is one of the reasons it’s so enjoyable.

There’s not much else to say other than to start scrolling through the “Best Moments” list. This really was a powerhouse of a finale that sets up a hell of a show. No way this isn’t one of the best pieces of television 2016 produces. The fact that such a unique and insane property has actually been adapted faithfully is nothing short of miraculous. Season two needs to get here yesterday.

Best Moments of the Episode:

“Hey, Mabel!” One of the simplest and silliest cold opens all season. Loved it.

Seeing Jesse toweling himself after getting out of the shower. Nothing narratively important here. Just… dat Dominic Cooper.


“It’s like Lady and the Tramp!” What a delightful perversion of a classic Disney cartoon. It’s nice to see more of the salacious humor the comic book is known for.

The entire season has used title cards to great effect, but the “Until God” countdown timer was possibly the best.

The revelation that Tulip was pregnant. What a genuine shock that adds a whole other depth to her and Jesse’s relationship.

Everything involving Carlos. It’s fair to say that the Carlos subplot was one of the weaker elements of season one, but that was all washed away thanks to how excellently it concluded. Tulip fawning over Jesse when he decides to kill Carlos was the best example of how twistedly sweet these characters are.

Heaven’s phone making the old dial-up sound was a cheeky touch. Maybe a commentary on how out-of-date Heaven is?

“Told you he was a white guy.” How can we not gush about the overly theatrical goofiness of God/Not-God? If the entire scene was available online at the time of this writing, it’d be posted in this article. So many wonderful little moments. “What’d you do with the dinosaurs?” was a personal favorite. I also adored Tulip’s, “You made a baby cry.” Here’s the tail-end of that scene:

The montage of Annville residents losing their faith, set to an overtly maudlin cover of “No Rain.” Equal parts devastating and hilarious. Tracy Loach‘s brother taking a selfie of his mother’s mercy killing might be the most demented thing television has produced since BOB.

Odin‘s meat baby. Yes, meat baby.


Finally discovering what that gauge was and its eventual explosion. What a brilliant way to stay true to a moment in the comics while injecting it with something more meaningful and startling. It also makes rewatching the season incredibly rewarding.

“Who here loves The Big Lebowski?” Great running gag for Cassidy. Hope to see more film commentary from our awesome trio.

“If he wants our help, we’ll help him. And if not, we’ll kick his ass.” Never has TV Jesse sounded more like comic Jesse in the entire season.

“Kiss me.” Not only was this the moment we’ve been waiting for all season, but Tulip’s response to Jesse’s command was equally gratifying.

Goodbye, Susan! Looks like when the Cowboy – can we call him the Saint of Killers yet? – kills you, you stay dead. Does that mean we won’t be seeing DeBlanc ever again? Poor Fiore.


“Preacher.” The wait for season two is going to be interminable.

Preacher Returns in 2017! See You All On the Road!


Keep an eye out for an in-depth discussion here on Fandom about the season and where the show is headed in season two!

Drew Dietsch
Drew Dietsch has been professionally writing about entertainment for over a decade. His bylines include FANDOM - where he was a founding contributor and Entertainment Editor - Bloody Disgusting, SYFY WIRE, and more. He created and hosts GenreVision, a weekly film discussion show at genrevision.com.