NYCC: Did ‘The Walking Dead’ Accidentally Reveal Negan’s Victim?

Drew Dietsch
TV The Walking Dead
TV The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead was easily the most highly anticipated panel of New York Comic Con. With only a few weeks left before the nail-biting premiere, AMC brought out most of the principal cast and began teasing the audience with what’s to come in season seven. What they probably didn’t expect was that they may have accidentally revealed who Negan‘s victim was.

How did this happen? Well, for starters, when Lauren Cohan was asked to talk about how Maggie would have handled the events leading up to season seven differently if she had been healthy, Cohan began trailing off about how blessed the entire experience has been for her and she began to cry. It was a tender and clearly unexpected reaction that led to the entire audience murmuring about whether this meant she was leaving the show. If I was a betting man, Maggie would be the one I’d be putting my money on.

However, there’s one other possibility that arose thanks to an exclusive clip we were shown. The clip went online shortly after it premiered. Give it a watch and see what you think.

That entire exchange about needing a right-hand man would seem to point to the death of Daryl. Seeing as how Daryl is easily the fan favorite, his death would be a monstrous loss to the group. But, this death should be an impacting one. It’s the only real way to justify such a divisive and explosive cliffhanger.

But that moment on the panel from Lauren Cohen. That felt so out of left field. Maybe it’s not what it seemed but it certainly seemed like she was broken up about having to leave the show. Will this be how she exits? Considering it was Glenn who died in the comics, it would be a perverse mirror moment to have the love of his life be the one who perishes.

We’ll all find out soon enough when The Walking Dead returns on October 23.

Drew Dietsch
Drew Dietsch has been professionally writing about entertainment for over a decade. His bylines include FANDOM - where he was a founding contributor and Entertainment Editor - Bloody Disgusting, SYFY WIRE, and more. He created and hosts GenreVision, a weekly film discussion show at