National Ice Cream Day: 8 Tasty Moments in Pop Culture

TV Movies
TV Movies Animation

Today, we celebrate a national hero: ice cream. This flavorful substance has pervaded our lives ever since someone in China decided to freeze their tea with milk and snow around 200 BC. And despite the dangers associated with ice cream — lactose intolerance, brain freeze, expanding waistlines — humans (and sometimes even cats) continue to enjoy this delicious treat. Even our favorite fictional characters from TV and film are known to enjoy the frosty deliciousness that is ice cream from time to time.

So put on your favorite white t-shirt and grab a Lactaid. In honor of National Ice Cream Day, let’s take a look at some of the best ice cream moments in pop culture.

Home Alone 1 and 2


Kicking off the list is Kevin McAllister and the venerable ice cream sundae. Whether it’s a homemade version replete with Crunchy Tators or a fancy ice cream buffet at The Plaza Hotel, Kevin certainly lived his best life while under zero parental supervision.

The Simpsons

Ice cream is a running joke in a number of episodes of The Simpsons, but we especially love the montage from “Lisa on Ice” where baby Lisa and baby Bart share a magical moment involving two kinds of ice: hockey and cream. Special shoutout goes to the time Homer tried to use his ice cream sandwich as a remote control.

Forrest Gump

We’re not claiming to be experts here, but vanilla ice cream probably tastes better when you’ve got all of your extremities intact.

Steven Universe

Remember that time Wikia went to New York Comic Con and made Cookie Cats IRL? Yeah. That was pretty chill. (Get it? CHILL? Because they’re cold.)

Full House

michelle om nom nom
ICE CREAM michelle tanner

When she’s not om nom noming on some ice cream, Michelle Tanner is speaking unspeakable truths.

There Will Be Blood

Did anyone else really want a milkshake after watching this part in There Will Be Blood? Just like this scene, we like ours with some grit. Kinda like the crunch you get from cookies and cream.

Pulp Fiction

Speaking of milkshakes…would you ever pay $5 for one? We would, if they tasted anything like those tropical banana-flavored rum drinks at our local tiki bar.

It’s A Wonderful Life

In this scene from It’s a Wonderful Life, young George Bailey and Mary engage in a lovely conversation about the tropics, polygamy, and coconuts. When she’s offered coconuts with her chocolate ice cream, Mary declines. She’s obviously never had fried ice cream topped with coconut shavings. 

Every day is National Ice Cream Day over at the Ice Cream Wikia.

Therese is a staff contributor at Fandom.