Iris West’s Best Moments as a Speedster on ‘The Flash’

Lauren Gallaway
TV Arrowverse
TV Arrowverse DC

SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers from The Flash episode “Run, Iris, Run”. Proceed with caution.

After spending a year in the dark not knowing about Barry’s powers and many more years behind a desk at S.T.A.R. Labs, Iris West FINALLY got to suit up. Iris has been a strong, steady force on The Flash for many seasons, and this week she got a taste of what it was like to be in the field. Let’s jump into some of Iris’ best moments as a speedster.

Iris West, The Flash

The Flash Iris West

Iris’ first move as a speedster was to vibrate her hand. When Iris said “I think I found it,” meaning Barry’s speed, that was a goosebump-inducing moment for fans because it proved that Iris finally had powers! Next she took a turn around S.T.A.R. Labs., which released a flood of purple speed lightning. Both Barry and Wally have run around that lab dozens of times, so it was only fitting that Iris got to as well.

Iris then trained with Barry, where she showed off more of her purple lightning. Like many speedsters before her, she did crash and burn during training, but her speed healing kicked in so she bounced right back.

Iris then decided to answer the superhero call and raced off to save people from a burning building. She successfully saved five people but then got trapped in the flames. She attempted to put the flames out, but got pinned under a concrete pillar. Even though Cisco had to breach rescue her, it was still really cool to see Iris use her speed arms, rescue people and run from Barry’s perspective.

“Run, Iris, Run”

The Flash Iris West

Iris then went back into the field and had some great speedster moments. She apprehended a bad guy, she confronted a meta-human, and she got to do something Barry has never done before. Her coolest moment by far was running on the water to create a 100-foot tidal wave.

Barry encouraged her over coms that she was still the brave woman she always was, and she believed him. He even told her to “Run, Iris, Run,” the title of this episode. Her tidal wave completely extinguished the heat cyclone and she saved the day. Were her powers temporary? Sure. But it was awesome seeing her save the city, just as Barry has done many times. And, the best part of the episode? When Iris decided to become a writer again. That was always her passion and her true super power.

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8PM on The CW.

Lauren Gallaway
TV editor at FANDOM. Creator of The Marvel Report. Journalist, Comic-Con reporter, Podcaster.