Will Bucky Become the New Captain America in ‘Avengers: Infinity War’?

Drew Dietsch

WARNING: This post contains spoilers for Black Panther. Proceed with caution.

Bucky Barnes is a fan favorite when it comes to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. His conversion into the Winter Soldier and then rescue by Captain America has made him a tragic and redemptive character. And he’s continued to be an important focal point for the larger story that the MCU is carrying out.

But, with Avengers: Infinity War promising to shake up the Marvel Cinematic Universe as we know it, fans are beginning to speculate that Steve Rogers might not make it out alive. And if he doesn’t, will another character take up the mantle of Captain America? If so, will Bucky be that successor?

This theory certainly has merit. Heck, it’s already happened once before.

The Death of Captain America

captain america death
In the comics, the death of Steve Rogers led to Bucky taking over as Captain America.

In 2007, Marvel Comics was ending its huge event series Civil War. In the aftermath of that enormous showdown, Steve Rogers turned himself over to the authorities. He is assassinated under the orders of the Red Skull and dies on the steps of a courthouse. It was a huge moment in both the comics and the real world. Professional news outlets broadcast the story of Cap’s death, much like they did back in 1993 when DC Comics killed off Superman.

Following Cap’s death, Bucky Barnes — who had only recently been revealed to be the Winter Soldier — proceeded to take over as Captain America with a brand new suit that was built by Tony Stark. So, if Avengers: Infinity War follows the same path as the comics, this could easily be the way Bucky’s story goes.

Or, is there another contender for the shield?


captain america falcon
Falcon has also taken over as Captain America during certain runs in the comics.

Another character who has taken up the identity of Captain America in the comics is none other than Sam Wilson a.k.a. Falcon. He’s been a part of the MCU for nearly as many films as Bucky has. His friendship with Steve Rogers and his dedication to the ideals Steve holds dear have been a vital part of Sam’s story. If he does end up taking over as Captain America, it would be just as justified as Bucky stepping into the role.

Not to mention it would be a symbolic bit of representation for a black man to take over as the symbol of America. And with Black Panther‘s resounding success at the box office, it’s clear that audiences are ready to see that kind of diversity in their superhero movies.

Plus, it’s possible that Bucky might be taking on a very different identity in the future…

White Wolf

bucky black panther white wolf
At the end of 'Black Panther,' Bucky is given a very important nickname.

At the end of Black Panther, we see that Bucky has been recuperating in Wakanda under the care of T’Challa’s sister Shuri. He has begun to regain his memory and the effects of his brainwashing seem to have been nullified. During this scene, a group of Wakandan children called him White Wolf. That’s a name with some serious significance.

In the comics, White Wolf is the adoptive son of T’Chaka and the leader of a secret Wakandan police force tasked with carrying out covert and deadly missions. If the Marvel Cinematic Universe decides to do their own version of White Wolf, it could involve Bucky becoming a protector of Wakanda in a role very similar to White Wolf’s in the comics.

It certainly seems that way. Wakanda has taken care of him and if he is getting his memories and personality reprogrammed, it’s possible he will gain an even deeper affection for the African nation. We see him leading the charge with Wakandan soldiers in the trailers for Avengers: Infinity War. And it looks like Shuri is outfitting him with a brand new vibranium arm.

If I were betting money, I’d say that’s where Bucky will end up. But, we could also see him don the red, white, and blue if Cap does bite the dust. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens when Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters around the globe on April 27.

Drew Dietsch
Drew Dietsch has been professionally writing about entertainment for over a decade. His bylines include FANDOM - where he was a founding contributor and Entertainment Editor - Bloody Disgusting, SYFY WIRE, and more. He created and hosts GenreVision, a weekly film discussion show at genrevision.com.