The Ghost on ‘Teen Wolf’

Paul V. Rea

The ghost of Allison Argent played a big role in the Teen Wolf Season 5 Finale “Apotheosis“. Scott’s memories of his first love ultimately saved the day when Sebastien, The Beast of Gevaudan, tapped into his brain and saw what he thought was his sister Marie-Jeanne Valet.


However, there are some fans who believe Allison’s spirit made another appearance in the show.

Most folks saw the basic symbolism when the three remaining original characters, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski and Lydia Martin, took seats around a table in the Beacon Hills High School library.


In that penultimate scene there was a fourth chair. Many fans believe it was left for Allison but some saw something else in that scene. They claim Allison’s chair moved as if someone pulled it out, sat down and then pulled closer to the table.

Tumblr iamthealphanoww provided evidence in a series of images.

“The chair went from in, to out, to back in. So are we just going to pretend like we didn’t witness Allison’s ghost joining the group.”iamthealphanoww

The movement of the chair could be a purposeful choice by the director or it could just be a continuity error caused by accident while shooting the various scenes that make up that segment.

While both of those “real world” explanations make sense, the Ghost Chair theory is more fun.

Paul V. Rea
A monster science created but could not destroy; Paul V. Rea is a radio, TV and web journalist based in Clarkesville, Georgia. Paul is addicted to television of all genres and can often be found mouthing off about things he sees @paulvrea on Twitter.