Getting to Know the Characters of ‘Uncharted’


With Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End right around the corner, a lot of people will be entering the series for the very first time this week, particularly if the PlayStation 4 is their first console. There’s a large history between the characters of Uncharted, one that is definitely getting referenced in A Thief’s End. Even the opening cutscene asks you which Uncharted game to tell Nathan Drake’s brother about. Of course, fans can now pick up Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, but for old veterans and new treasure hunters alike, we decided to give you a quick rundown of the characters that you’ll be seeing in Nate’s final adventure.

Spoilers ahead for the first three Uncharted games!

Nathan Drake

Nathan Drake Uncharted 4 Splash

The eponymous “Thief” in the final game’s title, Nathan Drake is the player character and main hero of the Uncharted series. “Nathan Drake” is a pseudonym – the player never learned his real name in past games. After his mother committed suicide and his father relinquished custody of him to the state, Drake took on the name we know him by, holding the belief that he was a descendant of the legendary explorer, Sir Francis Drake. After a run-in related to Francis Drake’s heirlooms when he was 15 years old, Drake met Victor Sullivan, who would be his partner-in-crime for over 20 years afterward. He would become one of the greatest treasure hunters during that time… and find himself in a variety of prisons. Part of the job, of course. By the start of A Thief’s End, Drake has settled down, officially retired from treasure hunting.

Victor Sullivan


Possibly the person Drake trusts the most in the whole world, Victor “Sully” Sullivan is less of a treasure hunter and more of a run-of-the-mill thief. He met Drake in Colombia while on a job for a client, finding himself enthralled by Drake’s story of Sir Francis Drake and wishing to help teach more techniques to the young thief. Since then he’s imparted his knowledge onto Drake while assisting him throughout his adventures. The two have remained the best of friends, even when Drake believed Sully to be dead — twice. He returns “one last time” in A Thief’s End, helping Drake on this final adventure.

Elena Fisher


Elena Fisher met Drake while he was trying to unearth Sir Francis Drake’s coffin from the sea floor in the first game, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. She offered the funds necessary for the expedition in return for being able to report on it for her tabloid TV show. After sticking around for the subsequent journey, she would become an investigative journalist, and she would eventually marry Drake, though the two divorced and got back together before and during the third game. They are settled down and living peacefully together at the start of A Thief’s End.

Other Characters


A Thief’s End will introduce brand-new characters as well, including Nathan Drake’s brother, Sam Drake. However, what hasn’t been confirmed is if other protagonists from the past will reappear in the game – particularly Chloe Frazer and Charlie Cutter. Chloe met the gang in the second game while initially working for the antagonist, and Charlie was brought on for the events of the third game in a similar fashion, and their roles were vitally important in each respective game. We have no word on whether they will come back for A Thief’s End, but they would be missed.

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End releases worldwide this Tuesday, May 10, 2016 on PlayStation 4.

Call me Sly!