Mindy’s Five Best Moments From ‘The Mindy Project’

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One of our favorite comediennes, Mindy Kaling, is back with Season 4 of The Mindy Project. Kaling’s doctor alter-ego is our fictional spirit animal, and we can’t wait to see what antics she gets up to this season. Here are the five times (out of many) when she made us really laugh out loud.

Her Drinking Contest With the Other Dr. L

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Season 2, Episode 2: "The Other Dr. L"

For a woman with a shotgun-shaped tequila bottle in her apartment, it’s no surprise that Mindy Lahiri owned Dr. Paul Leotard aka Dr. L (played by James Franco) in their drinking contest. The kicker was when he asked why she was so good at imbibing alcohol and she responded with “I ate an entire loaf of bread before I came here.” She didn’t even do it as preparation; she just eats a loaf of bread every night.

Beyonce Pad Thai

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Season 1, Episode 5: "Danny Castellano Is My Gynecologist"

In the first season, we were all Mindy when she needed to pump herself up before a gynecology exam with Danny. Her solution? Imagining that she is a warrior named Beyoncé Pad Thai. Exotic, fierce, and hilarious all at the same time.

Dismantling the Pole of Oppression

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Season 1, Episode 23: "Frat Party"

Mindy tried to play it cool by going to a college frat party with a medical student she was mentoring, but things went awry when she saw a stripper pole in the room. While trying to take it down, people mistakenly thought her struggling was actually a dance routine. She eventually got the pole of oppression down, so another win for Lahiri!

Keeping Things Classy

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Season 2, Episode 11: "Christmas Party Sex Trap"

Mindy has got a great style, especially thanks to the show’s costume designer Salvador Perez. One of her great fashion moments in the series is when she’s at a party dressed in a wine bra. She fills it up and has a drink ready no matter where she is or who she is talking to–so stylish and prepared!

Dr. L, OB/GYN Extraordinaire

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Season 4, Episode 12: "The Parent Trap"

Some of our favorite moments from The Mindy Project are when Mindy’s character is in her element, doing what she loves. This is especially important in later seasons when Danny wants her to focus on taking care of their baby, Leo, but Mindy doesn’t want her career to stop in the process. It breaks our heart to see the two fighting, but Mindy keeps working, continues to build out her fertility clinic, and shows him that she can be a great working mom!

Tune in for more great Mindy moments with The Mindy Project Season 4, airing on Tuesdays on Hulu.

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