First ‘Far Cry 5’ Gameplay Trailer Features Dogs Stealing Guns

Samantha Loveridge

Ubisoft has already given us a good look at the themes and settings of Far Cry 5 but during its press conference, it’s now time to get a sense of what you’ll actually be doing in the game.

The first Far Cry 5 gameplay trailer not only makes the game look beautiful – and brutally violent – but also introduces several of the game’s major features.

You’ll be able to call in help from a number of sources in gun fights, which can be tackled with a stealth or all guns blazing approach. There are people in Hope Country available as guns for hire, the option to call in your pal Nick Rye for a taste of death from above and also asking your real-world friends to help you out in co-op.

But more importantly, fangs for hire from Far Cry Primal is back, with the first furry friend being a cute doggo called Boomer, who has the ability to pinch guns from your foes and bring them back. Now that’s a badass game of fetch.

Samantha Loveridge
Sam is the UK Gaming Editor at Fandom. She's been addicted to games since she first got her paws on a GameBoy and hasn't looked back.