Final ‘Suicide Squad’ Trailer Focuses On A Mean Lady

Drew Dietsch
Movies Comic-Con
Movies Comic-Con DC

It’s crazy to think that Suicide Squad, the latest entry in DC’s attempt at a shared movie universe, is right around the corner. Even crazier is that it looks a hundred times more exciting, enjoyable, and energetic than Man of Steel or Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice combined. Who would have predicted that a flick starring Killer Croc and Captain Boomerang would be carrying more positive anticipation than one starring the holy trinity of the DC universe?

Regardless, Suicide Squad is about to hit its biggest marketing push yet. You know, in case Margot Robbie‘s Harley Quinn hasn’t charmed your pants off yet. Maybe that’s why this latest (and supposedly final) trailer sheds some light on two prominent characters that haven’t been at the forefront of the marketing: Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) and Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman). Seeing as how they are the two biggest authority figures in the film — Waller assembles the Squad while Flag commands the team in the field — it seems high time to give them center stage. Check ’em out:

First off, this has been the best spotlight for Viola Davis yet. She is nailing the no-nonsense, iron lady attitude that Waller is infamous for. “I am your consequence,” is an undeniably badass line. It’s also nice to see Rick Flag as a somewhat idealistic, true blue soldier. Seeing him clash with the Squad could be a source of unending humor.

And those skull icons are a juvenile delight. The little summaries about their characters are fun touches. It’d be interesting to see a trailer that did the same for all the members of the Squad. Killer Croc’s would definitely say, “Eats people.”


We get one more additional shot of Jared Leto’s Joker here, and it’s certain that more overly attentive viewers are analyzing every millisecond of it for new information. Don’t worry, the Joker is going to work in the film.

Suicide Squad will finally be unleashed upon the world on August 5. Here’s hoping a few people get “damaged” tattoos on their foreheads shortly after it premieres.

Drew Dietsch
Drew Dietsch has been professionally writing about entertainment for over a decade. His bylines include FANDOM - where he was a founding contributor and Entertainment Editor - Bloody Disgusting, SYFY WIRE, and more. He created and hosts GenreVision, a weekly film discussion show at