Dave Bautista Joining ‘Blade Runner 2’

Drew Dietsch

Update: It is official, per a press release today.

It’s kind of shocking how excited I’ve become for Blade Runner 2. When it was originally announced, the collective groan from the fan community could be heard around the world. The original is an undisputed classic in the sci-fi genre and a sequel that’s over thirty years late seemed very misguided.

Then, we started hearing more about the project and it sounded too good to be true. Ridley Scott would be passing over directing duties to the immensely talented Denis Villeneuve (SicarioPrisoners), the cinematography would be handled by the legendary Roger Deakins (just look at this guy’s resume), and the cast would include a returning Harrison Ford as well as Ryan Gosling and Robin Wright. It became clear that this was a sequel that the studio wasn’t taking lightly.

Today, we have another bit of casting news that only adds more fuel to the anticipation fire. Guardians of the Galaxy star Dave Bautista posted this tease on his Twitter:

That origami unicorn is instantly recognizable to fans of Blade Runner, and there’s almost no other property that Bautista could be referring to with such an image. Does this hint at Bautista’s upcoming role as a replicant, or will he be a blade runner like Deckard before him?

Bautista has been an unexpected delight ever since he entered the acting world, and his addition to the Blade Runner 2 cast is another step towards turning this previously unwanted sequel into one of my most anticipated films of 2017. If Blade Runner 2 ends up being a worthy successor to the original, it could change the entire conversation about long delayed sequels. Here’s hoping it does just that.

Drew Dietsch
Drew Dietsch has been professionally writing about entertainment for over a decade. His bylines include FANDOM - where he was a founding contributor and Entertainment Editor - Bloody Disgusting, SYFY WIRE, and more. He created and hosts GenreVision, a weekly film discussion show at genrevision.com.